I am working on Book 2 ….
Chapter 1: Foundations of Faith and Medicine

This chapter introduces the intertwining of spiritual beliefs with the function of osteopathy. It sets the stage by discussing how the England Standard Version of the Bible offers insights that are not just spiritual but also metaphorically relevant to medical practice. The focus is on understanding human health through the lens of scripture, with the idea that divine wisdom can guide and enhance the practice of healing arts.

Chapter 2: The Light of Healing in Isaiah 58:8

Isaiah 58:8 is explored in depth, illustrating its promise of healing and protection as akin to the principle of the body’s ability to heal itself. This scripture promises that one’s ‘light will break forth like the dawn,’ symbolising the emergence of health and vitality through divine favour.

The discussion links this imagery to the focus on enhancing the body’s natural healing processes, suggesting that living in alignment with divine and natural laws promotes physical and spiritual well-being.

Chapter 3: The Insight of Perception in Luke 11:34

Luke 11:34 offers a profound insight into the role of perception in health. The ‘eye,’ described as the lamp of the body, highlights the importance of clarity and health in one’s vision, which in osteopathy can be paralleled with the diagnostic gaze of the practitioner. A healthy perception, or ‘eye,’ allows the healer to assess and treat patients more effectively, illuminating both the symptoms and the root causes of ailments. The chapter uses this metaphor to delve into how the healer can cultivate a clear, spiritually and scientifically informed perspective to improve their practice.

Chapter 4: Resurrection and Renewal in 1 Kings 17

This chapter examines the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:21-24, focusing on themes of faith, doubt, and divine intervention. It relates these themes to the practitioner to revive and rejuvenate the body’s natural healing abilities. The story of the child’s revival is used as a metaphor for the healing process of restoring vitality to the body’s systems. This chapter also discusses how witnessing such ‘miraculous’ recoveries can strengthen both the practitioner’s and the patient’s faith in the healing process.

Chapter 5: The Christ Oil – Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Conduit of Healing

This chapter delves into the concept of cerebrospinal fluid, referred to as ‘Christ oil,’ highlighting its importance in both physical and spiritual healing. The discussion includes how osteopathic manipulation techniques can enhance the flow of this fluid, thereby improving patient health across multiple dimensions. The chapter aims to bridge the gap between the scientific understanding of cerebrospinal fluid and its spiritual significance, providing a comprehensive view of its role in natural medicine.

Chapter 6: Practical Applications of the Christ Oil in Osteopathy

The sixth chapter provides practical guidelines and techniques for manipulating the cerebrospinal fluid (Christ oil) to optimise its flow. It covers specific osteopathic manipulative treatments that target the improvement of this fluid’s dynamics, supported by case studies and testimonials to illustrate the effects of these treatments. The chapter also includes a discussion on measuring the outcomes of such treatments, emphasising the tangible benefits they bring to patients’ health.

Chapter 7: Living the Laws of God in Osteopathic Practice

This chapter emphasises the importance of living according to divine laws, as interpreted through scripture, and how these laws can be integrated into practice to enhance healing. It will cover spiritual disciplines such as avoiding gluttony, lust, and greed, and discuss how these virtues support the practitioner's ability to maintain personal health and the health of their patients. The chapter argues that by living these principles, the practitioner can improve the flow of the ‘Christ oil’, enhancing both their therapeutic effectiveness and their spiritual well-being.

Chapter 8: Challenges and Triumphs in Modern Osteopathy

Focusing on the personal experiences of the author, this chapter delves into the regulatory challenges faced by osteopaths who incorporate spiritual practices into their clinical work. It explores the tension between adhering to professional regulations and following a calling that transcends conventional medical practice. Stories of resilience and perseverance showcase how the author and like-minded practitioners navigate these challenges, drawing parallels to biblical figures like Elijah who stood against the prevailing norms of their times.

Chapter 9: Preserving the Sacred Secretion

In this chapter, practical advice is given on how individuals can maintain and improve their own Christ oil flow through lifestyle and mindset changes. It provides guidelines on health behaviours, emotional balance, and spiritual exercises that can enhance the quality and flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This chapter aims to empower readers with knowledge and practices that align with osteopathic principles and divine laws, fostering a holistic approach to health.

Chapter 10: The Path Forward: Integrating Faith with Natural Medicine

This concluding chapter reflects on the future of osteopathy as a discipline that embraces both the scientific and the spiritual. It discusses potential advancements in osteopathic techniques that are informed by spiritual insights, advocating for a more holistic approach to medical education and practice. The chapter encourages both practitioners and patients to explore the interconnectedness of physical symptoms and spiritual well-being, suggesting ways the community can lead in health care innovation by incorporating these dual aspects.