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Smarter Sitting

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Congratulations on Your Purchase!

You’re now on the path to improved comfort and well-being with Smarter Sitting. This innovative approach is designed to support your posture, reduce discomfort, and enhance your overall health while sitting.

What to Expect with Smarter Sitting

Smarter Sitting is more than just a seating solution—it’s a comprehensive approach to improving how you sit, designed to align your body correctly and support natural posture. Whether you're at work, at home, or on the go, Smarter Sitting helps you maintain proper alignment, reducing the risk of strain and discomfort.

AO Scan™ Technology Purchase

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Congratulations on Your Purchase!

You’re now on the path to unlocking your body’s full potential with Inner Voice Technology. This powerful tool is designed to support your journey to optimal health, vitality, and inner peace.

What to Expect with AO Scan Technology

AO Scan™ technology, developed over 40 years and inspired by pioneers like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, uses subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to communicate with your body. This helps restore balance and harmony, promoting overall well-being.

Terrain Theory Podcast August 2024

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Michelle Davies is an internationally acclaimed healer, health consultant, mentor and author.

Michelle has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Osteopathy awarded by Anne, Princess Royal, following 4 years full time training in London at the British School of Osteopathy. In this conversation with Michelle we discuss:

15 August 2024 Formal Complaint Regarding GOsC Staff

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Mr Matthew Redford acting as Chief Executive & Registrar of the GOsC, 

176 Tower Bridge Road, 


SE1 3LU. 


cc. Professional Standards Authority For health and Social Care

David Martin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Concerns and Appointments Officer


15th August 2024


Dear Matthew, acting as Chief Executive & Registrar


Formal Complaint Regarding David Bryan and Case 2855


I am writing to formally lodge a complaint against David Bryan, a member of your staff, for his conduct and handling of my case over the past three years. The issues I encountered were serious and had a profound impact on my professional and personal life, as well as my faith in the regulatory process of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Below, I outline the key areas of concern that I believe require your urgent attention:

The Light and the Darkness: A Comparative Look at Healing and Temptation

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In my previous blog, luminous-healing-a-divine-approach-to-osteopathy techniques I explored the profound connection between divine energy and the healing processes we facilitate in such techniques. Today, I'd like to take a contrasting journey, drawing parallels between the benevolent work of a healer and the malevolent efforts described in C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters."

In "The Screwtape Letters," we dive into the dark, deceptive world of demonic influence. Screwtape, a senior demon, writes to his nephew Wormwood, offering insidious advice on how to lead a human soul astray. His methods are subtle, focusing on gradual corruption through distraction, materialism, and emotional manipulation. The goal is to pull individuals away from the light, steering them towards despair and eternal damnation.

Michelle Davies Update and Booking an Appointment

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If you are new to my practice, a very warm welcome! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your health care team.

In recent months I have been overwhelmed with global enquiries (testimonials)  and maintaining my exceptional standards has been challenging without adequate support. To address this, I have now sourced a virtual service and implemented an online booking system to ensure a seamless experience for all. Thank you for your patience during this time, as I know it has been frustrating.

For the past 27 years, it has been my privilege and honour to support your health and wellbeing. Your trust and loyalty have been the foundation of my practice, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your healing journey.

Don't underestimate the power of truth and the truth is what redeems the world from hell!!

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Jordan Peterson argues thar we pay a price both for speaking and not speaking and calls on people to speak the truth no matter what. Excerpted from his talk at the Manning Conference Feb 23-25, 2017

“It means that your capacity for speech is divine. It's the thing that generates order from chaos and then sometimes turns pathological order into chaos when it has to. Don't underestimate the power of truth. There's nothing more powerful.

Now, in order to speak what you might regard as the truth, you have to let go of the outcome. You have to think, all right, I'm going to say what I think, stupid as I am, biased as I am, ignorant as I am. I'm going to state what I think as clearly as I can, and I'm going to live with the consequences no matter what they are. Now, the reason you think that, that's an element of faith.


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Improving glymphatic drainage, the brain’s waste clearance system, is crucial for maintaining optimal brain health. Here are several strategies to enhance this system:

 1.Quality Sleep

  • Prioritise Deep Sleep: The glymphatic system is most active during deep sleep, particularly during slow-wave sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep per night. Try to sleep to cover these hours 10pm-4am.
  • Sleep Position: Sleeping on your side (lateral position) has been shown to improve glymphatic drainage compared to sleeping on your back or stomach.


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Are you concerned about energy healing and if this is ok with God?
As someone who has dedicated over three decades to empowering individuals to take ownership of their health and well-being, I’ve come across various beliefs and practices that some might find unconventional. Concepts like energy, vibrations, and frequencies often stir up questions and sometimes fear. But I believe these elements are integral to our overall health, connecting deeply with our spiritual and physical well-being.


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How many of you would you like abundance of health, prosperity, love, self confidence, friendships, peace, joy and fun?

“The Master Key System” by Charles F. Haanel is a classic self-help book that was first published in 1912. It is considered one of the foundational works of the New Thought movement and has inspired many later authors and thinkers, including Napoleon Hill. The book is structured as a 24-week course, with each part containing exercises and insights to help readers unlock their potential and achieve success.

Core Principles of “The Master Key System”

1. The Law of Attraction: One of the central tenets is the idea that thoughts are powerful and can attract corresponding circumstances into one’s life. Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes, and negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.


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“I am Sorry. Please Forgive Me. Thank You. I Love You”.

Zero Limits introduces readers to Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The book explores how this technique can be used to clear limiting beliefs and memories that hold us back from achieving our true potential.

Core Concepts of Zero Limits

1. Ho’oponopono: This is a traditional Hawaiian practice of problem-solving, which means “to make right” or “to rectify an error.” It involves taking responsibility for everything that happens in one’s life and using a simple mantra to clear negativity.

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