IMG 3620patientreach3



Since the Interim Suspension Order from The General Osteopathic Council in October 2021 I have refrained from using the protected title. With exposure of my case in March 2024my reach has extended globally.


I invite you to observe how much further my healing extends following my Romoval from the Register on 4th June 2024.



Enlightened Rebel .... Brings Gifts For You To Create A Happier Life

publication in 2020 by MICHELLE DAVIES ISBN: 978-1-9822-8207-3

Ilustrated with over 75 testimonials over 24 years

Reinstating the public voice!



Daily Habits to Clear Brain Fog and Improve Focus

publication in 2024  10-10-10 PUBLISHING ISBN: 979-8-334918-84-9


Google Reviews

Google Reviews





The cranial treatment has completely taken away ALL the intrusive thoughts she’d been having for some time - which is so amazing! After a year out of school she returned to year 6 in September with a flourish. Nottingham October 2024





I've been visiting Michelle with my 16yo son who has learning difficulties & epilepsy. In just two visits whilst he has had a few seizures, his recovery was amazing. A quick doze then right as rain whereas he'd have been wiped out for a good 24hrs. He gets up from the table looking so bright eyed, I can't quite explain but he looks different. Michelle's empathy & care are extraordinary. He's definitely improving all round & we continue with short visits every 4-6 weeks partly because he just loves it, mostly for the healing which is gradual but very clear. Michelle is wonderful & I'm very happy to recommend her. 🙏





He has not actually cried since seeing you this afternoon and he is lay wide awake without crying which he does not usually do without crying. He is more settled and has not needed a suppository. Gem October 2024



First I want to acknowledge, and thank you from the deepest depths of my heart, for the help you have given me, even without seeing me in person, and I know that a big part of your practice is to be in personal contact with a patient. That was not possible since I don't live in England, and was not able to travel given my condition.

Then you sent me some information about AO scans, to listen to 3x a day, and since I realized that the drugs I was given had those side-effects, I immediately stopped them all and the AO scans were the only things that kept me going. I simply don't know how to thank you enough for what you were able to accomplish. Far more than any doctor who has seen me here where I live!

I know and believe the body has the capacity to heal itself, if humanly we don't interfere with its process but on the contrary, assist it with the movement, meditation and right nutrition. Also absolute trust in our Source of Life and our Inner pharmacist who delivers to us whatever we need as the right chemicals that heal, which are love, joy, and gratitude for everything that occurs in life, EVERYTHING!

I don't know how to express all the gratitude I feel for you being so instrumental in the healing that I know is taking place right now! Jania from Switzerland October 2024




Just letting you know that my asthma is now almost non-existent. I can do exercises that I simply could not do without the aid of an inhaler or an array of supplements. The improvement is so profound that I am no longer on any asthma aiding supplements. Oliver September 2024




In the first week after seeing you for the first time, it felt like I had sunshine flowing through me. I now believe that was my connection with God being reconnected. God said my name and he sounded overjoyed that I had miraculously survived long enough here to meet you. September 2024




"A visit to Harley Street to see Michelle @the.michelledavies for Cranial Sacral therapy ✨
We started seeing Michelle this summer, and have been to her clinic in Bromyard a few times. We managed to tie in a visit while here in London. Vega comes away from the appointments relaxed, released and in much better alignment. 🙏
#healing #cranialsacraltherapy #cranialsacral #release #alignment #hopeforhie #hie #cerebralpalsyawareness #cerebralpalsykids"




I found inner voice to be so interesting how it highlighted the areas I was out of balance, just based off my voice and a few details! In the detailing of the negative emotions it was very accurate in what I was experiencing and why that might be the case based off past experiences.  Listening to the balancing notes / frequency is so relaxing and I can feel sensation in my body as I listen.  Like things are moving and shifting.  I’m really exciting to be introduced to this new way of restoring balance in my mind/ body! Emma September 2024



Just a couple of weeks before my daughter’s (let’s call her Em) 15th birthday, in the early hours of a Tuesday morning in February, she tied her dressing gown cord around her neck and hanged herself from the coat hook on the back of her bedroom door. She hanged for a couple of minutes, but very fortunately the cord snaped; she had been literally seconds from death.

 And so began the toughest five years of our family’s life.  Em has spent many weeks on in-patient psychiatric wards, seen dozens of therapists and psychiatrists and tried just about every therapy you could imagine. During this time, she remained suicidal, and my wife and I have watched her 24/7 for signs that she was struggling and caught her on several occasions trying to end her life.

As you can imagine, this has been incredibly stressful for all of us, not least for Em who has seen the lowest of lows, spent weeks sobbing and has struggled to properly engage in the fun life that a teenager should enjoy. 

Em is now 20 years old and as we fast forward to March 2024 she came to me in tears.  The medication was longer helping and once again she had a massive urge to end her life.  She was admitted to the local adult psychiatric ward and spend several weeks in therapy and trying new medications but with no real improvement.     

Around this time I watched a podcast with Michelle Davies as a guest.  She explained how with her understating and treatment of Cranial techniques, she had helped many young people with suicidal thoughts, and she strongly believed that this was a treatment that the NHS did not provide and yet could easily solve serious ‘mental health’ problems.  She explained how a simple knock to the head, or a traumatic experience such as a family death, could cause damage to the brain and the fluid the brain sits in; it can cause blockages, and the brain then sits in toxicity, and this allows negative thoughts to fester.  This can continue for years.

In July 2024 we made the 3 hour car journey to see Michelle and Em received her first treatment.  Throughout the treatment she had her hood up on her hoodie, spoke in monosyllables and was unengaged.  Michelle was her usual outgoing and bubbly self and tried to make her feel at ease.  It was a very emotional treatment, and Michelle found some serious blockages.  I think Em is one of the worst cases Michelle has seen. Em spent the whole 4 hour drive home sobbing and didn’t really come round until the late evening.  We saw Michelle again just a week later and things were much improved.  My daughter was now chatting and explaining how much better she felt.

We then saw Michelle for our third visit a month later and Wow! You would not believe this was the same person.  Em was happy, laughing, and chatting about her spiritual wellbeing and was thoroughly on board with the whole treatment.

Our fourth and most recent visit, just a week or so ago, was really just a check-up to see that Em had not relapsed.  Far from it – she is a new person who has not had suicidal thoughts for many weeks; neither has she self-harmed (something she has done constantly for the last 5 years).  Em was quite insistent we saw Michelle again and can’t wait to talk to her and catch up like old friends!

And the last thing, the most fabulous news, she has accepted her place at university and will start studying this coming Autumn.    This is something none of us thought she would ever manage and although my wife and I are a little nervous of her living away from home, we now have more confidence than ever that she will not only cope but will flourish.

I must confess when I first heard Michelle talk it all sounded a little ‘woo-woo’!  Most Doctor’s would dismiss her ideas but we were at the point of being ready to try anything.  We are so pleased we have found Michelle and if any of the above experience resonates with your own circumstances, I would urge you to make the journey – what do you have to lose? Halifax Parent September 2024





Just wanted to give you a quick update and tell you since our first appointment and in particular the last few days… I’m feeling like a MILLION dollars!! :-)  Thank you so much.  I feel like I’ve recommended you to every person I’ve met since and have drummed up some more business for you already lol.  Speak more soon and thanks again. PS I travelled from 197 miles from Scarborough to see you! :-) John September 2024




I just want to say thank you, I cannot begin to express how special you are. The experience I've had since seeing you has been profound. 

Thursday night after seeing you for the first time, I recalled my entire life, I could recall all of the vivid dreams I had when I was I child where I was etc. I realised just how compromised my health has always been, I painfully recalled moments where I just couldn't connect properly with people, I always put it down to huge bouts of shyness but I could see that something just wasn't working correctly and I was too damaged to even know there was something fundamentally wrong.

I've literally cried my heart out over the past two days. I've barely ever cried, my Mother said that I didn't even cry when I was born and barely cried as a baby. I still feel that I have a long way to go to get myself anywhere near being 10/10 but you've moved the dial more than anything or anyone ever has so thank you. Shaun (from Gwynedd) August 2024




I noticed after the first appointment yesterday my son was really tired but at the same time taking things in well and no emotional out burst and played very gentle with his siblings, listened the first time if you called him or asked him a question. His words are sounding clearer than before too. He had a burst of energy again for an hour then slept so so well last night. 

He has been sleeping way better in the nights and communicating, trying to hold conversations more and finally calling me mama again 🥰. Truly grateful and looking forward to our second appointment, thank you. Grateful mum from Lincolnshire August 2024




I love using Inner voice. I feel particularly the affirmations that I've specially chosen and written along with the music that resonates from me at that time is helping to lift some of the overall stress off my body. I'm sleeping better and I'm more focused and seeing improvements in my hope and Motivation, working towards the things that I want. I really believe I can realise some major miraculous change it and it's so easy to use, really recommend. Lara August 2024




Hugest thanks to you for the wonderful healing you gave to me and the family. I feel very blessed that you took the time to see us as we weren’t a priority case but I felt called to see you after seeing life-changing effect you had on a friend. When I listened to you at the trial something shifted inside and I felt more courageous to stand in my own power with a personal situation.  Just being in your presence is so up-lifting. Now, because of the sessions we start our new lives brimming with vitality, confidence and clarity.  We each had a unique experience and it’s difficult to quantify or explain what you do but we have each felt deep change and got exactly what we needed and are still feeling the positive effects. I’m committed to following your advice and the exercises you gave. You really do give it your all. you have strengthened my personal faith and my ability to be in the flow. I do so hope you will come and visit us in Mexico.  God bless. Much love, Phillipa August 2024




I would say our son has been more coherent in his speech since treatment. His thoughts are less jumbled and he is able to put together more complex sentence structures now, more complex strands of thought. I think the improvements are around his speech, ability to understand what we are saying to him, and ability to respond appropriately. Lydia August 2024




I love Innervoice - it is so helpful to have a tool with which to minister to my mother when western medicine can do relatively little for her condition.

A month ago my mother suffered a haemorrhagic stroke. In hospital there were few treatment options and my mother continued to fluctuate over a few weeks. She was often sleeping or unresponsive. Sometimes she woke up and was able to communicate a little. I felt strongly that I wanted to help support her recovery and did this through sitting by her side, stroking her arm, praying the rosary and giving her encouragement. She was in and out of palliative care and the prognosis given was poor, with high probability that she would pass away or continue to live without much quality of life. Michelle kindly offered Innervoice which I have been using as part of my support for my mother. I am hopeful that, along with prayer and continual care, that this may have a positive effect on her health and possible recovery.

Some speech has returned and it is clear my mother still has her sense of humour! I think also that there is emotional healing going on for me as an individual and for our relationship as we listen to the healing sounds and as I pray. Miranda London August 2024 




Before seeing Michelle, I was in a tough situation, I was hearing voices that told me to harm myself, seeing things that were not there, and dealing with major and rapid mood swings; all of this went on for many years. When I first met Michelle, I felt a warm presence. After my first appointment, within a few days, I felt lighter, and my mood lifted. Following the second session, I noticed the largest change, I started to feel myself again. By the time I reached my third session, I had gone from constant crying spells, rapid mood swings, voices, and visions, to my happy, calm self. I would highly recommend Michelle to anyone who needs relief from whatever they are going through and honestly, I believe Michelle will do her very best to help you with skill and love. I travelled from Halifax to see Michelle. Student July 2024



Nearly a month since my visit. I have noticeable improvements.  With a modicum of preparation, I can leave the house and counter the demonic attacks. I am able to confront and overcome the anxieties, insecurities and low self esteem. As for the Solex AO scan healing, I find the results amazing, after less than a week.Of course the healing technique is at least 3000 years old. David the shepherd boy played his harp to calm king Saul and help him overcome his demons.The prayer you suggested I'm sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you is also working. I find that I am remembering incidents from the past where I have reacted badly towards people in many different situations and varying degrees of severity. Often these memories are accompanied by tears of repentance. I feel the the darkness is being purged. My marriage and my relationship with my offspring is much improved. Thank You for that ONE treatment! George Northumberland July 2024




"We had a lovely drive back from Worcester to London, Mary was and still is the calmest and most relaxed Ive seen her in years. I am honestly feeling hopeful for the first time. Ive always known Mary was unable to fully engage in the joy of life and I didnt know why... when she was little I hoped she'd grow out of her melancholy". July 2024 




"It was like a different child the second time in clinic. A positive that I've noticed is that he's sleeping better. Doing much better at going to bed and going to sleep without too much hassle. That is a change! Thank you". Lydia July 2024



After listening to the interview with Michelle on the Delingpod, we promptly booked an appointment.
Our daughter suffered a brain injury during birth which has resulted in Cerebral Palsy. This affects our daughter significantly, both gross and fine motor skills, as well as speech and feeding.
Feeding time was approximately 4 hours a day (roughly 1 hour to complete a meal, being spoon fed), and she would refuse to eat without watching children's programs on her iPad. It is fair to say that everything in our lives revolved around meal times, and it was by far the most stressful and anxiety inducing catalyst in regards to her diagnosis.
Before coming to our first appointment Michelle was very helpful and even took a call after 20:00, to answer some of our questions. We drove over 2 hours to see her, and it was not a wasted trip!
After the appointment, we were in fact stressing about where to feed her dinner, and stopped at a service station and put her seat in the front passenger seat and tried to feed her. She ate her dinner in 10 minutes (this had only happened very very rarely and we put it down to her being tired after treatment).
The next day we however tried again, to feed her, without her iPad, and much to our astonishment she ate her meals. Overnight we have put the iPad in a cabinet (we absolutely hated how much she watched), she has not had 1 minute of screen time since seeing Michelle for the first appointment! Not only that but she now finishes most of her meals in 10-15 minutes, (the record is 6). She eats more as well. She is now more eager to try different foods and we are now trying to slowly work on chewing skills, so that we can gradually move away from purées.
This has freed up 2-3 hours every single day.
It is simply life changing. We can feed her anywhere, we are not reliant on an iPad to feed her, and she happily takes her food at record speed.

We have only needed 2 appointments with Michelle, and will now just come back if and when needed.

Thank you Michelle.




My leg has progressively been less and less painful since taking your advice and treatment. For example I did a full days work yesterday without any problem. I therefore cancelled my second appointment with you. You will without doubt be seeing me again if it recurs or if I develop another.  It is crucial going forward that we have medical practitioners of your calibre and expertise. So grateful to you and I wish you every happiness. Phil July 2024




Thank you 🙏🙏🙏so very much for your consultation on Saturday. Robin's mood has been much lighter since and he was whistling for the first time since his stroke and much more communicative. I have been saying the prayer and will write it out for him. He has watched the boxing video. July 2024



"Many thanks for yet again (gently) pointing me in the right direction. Your level of personal service and care has been second to none and truly exceeded and gone way above and beyond anything that I may have been expecting beforehand and your consultation fee was absolutely worth every penny. I will try as best as I can to install all of this new stuff into my day-to-day life.
My new motto being “If it’s good enough for Michelle then it’s more than good enough for me!”
In due course I’ll most probably need to book one or more personal consultations with you as tbh I honestly do feel that I will require your special charismatic, God given gift in order to make a full and complete recovery from this personal extreme challenge. Thank you once again. Best Wishes, Phil. 🙏🙏🙏 July 2024




For the past 5 or 6 years I have been experiencing not only uncomfortable haemorrhoids but also a possibility for prolapse, especially when on walks but also at other times that have been hard to predict. It was frustrating, as I am otherwise quite physically capable, fairly fit and had certainly never had to be concerned about walking a few miles before this problem appeared. It has been very limiting and very much changed my experience of life in general. I had been having other kinds of physical and emotional therapy over the last three years as well as trying various (non-toxic) medications but none of them had done much to help this.
The first session with Michelle brought on a strong reduction in this problem, to the point where I realised that I had not thought of it at all for days at a time. After the second session there was a brief reoccurrence for two or three days and I have had a very occasional slight discomfort after having had a total of three sessions, but I can say that for most of the time now the formerly constant problem doesn't cross my mind at all. Thank you, Michelle. Bryan July 2024 




After a rugby career of 17 years, and with the fears around brain injury so prevalent, I have become more aware of the times when I have had concussions. Only since finishing playing do I realise how much this impacted me, and continued to impact me. Michelle has provided me with the opportunity to heal, and I feel far more reassured about my future, and my brain health. I, and my family, have noticed a real difference in my calmness and after just two sessions, things are far more balanced. I cannot recommend Michelle highly enough. In my opinion, this should be the standard of care applied to any head trauma. Chris Pennel May 2024




Michelle is an angel. Her compassion heart warming. She has helped me immensely even though I am in Canada and she is in the UK. I am blessed to have found Michelle. Rob June 2024




I took my son over from Dublin to see Michelle, he was having some issues with processing information and his general mood. After seeing Michelle I have noticed hugely positive changes in his general demeanor and his processing of information - we are really grateful to Michelle for the treatment our son received. George May 2024




I contacted Michelle for advice, I am from Scotland so I wasn't sure what Michelle could offer, Michelle suggested an online meeting and gave me some very good practical advice, she has also offered to seek a second opinion re an X- Ray I'm waiting on as she knows an operation will be a last resort for me and I feel this is what NHS will suggest. Had I lived closer I would have definatily booked an appointment to see Michelle face to face. Izzie May 2024




I have had two treatments from Michelle Davies and I have travelled 7 hours from Scotland to be treated by her on both occasions. This also meant staying overnight the night before the treatment. The benefits I have received so far have been profound. Lifelong ‘incurable’ eczema (I’m in my early 60s) has dominated my life and while I take responsibility for my health the impact that Michelle’s treatment is having on my health is steady and profound. Her skills, integrity and reputation as a practitioner are what drew me to seek her help and I cannot recommend her strongly enough to those people out there who suffer with so called untreatable/incurable conditions. She is professional, assiduous and so caring with every person she treats. She listens closely and follows up all her treatments personally. Shena June 2024




Since moving to the UK I hadn’t managed to find someone as good as Michelle.Travelling a distance from where I now live to get an appointment was more than worth it and I would travel from the other ends of the world to see her. Michelle very quickly identified what the issue was and she was incredibly intuitive as it was as if she had unlocked both physically and emotionally my lifelong deep held wounds and traumas.  The healing process was immediate and ongoing.I should add that she was incredibly professional and I felt that I could trust her fully which is saying something in these times. The words “Miracle Worker” sounds very “out there” but Michelle is truly a miracle worker. I never write testimonials or reviews but I really felt it important for me to do so with Michelle.  Jennifer  May 2024




After seeing Michelle interviewed on a podcast in March I contacted her as my teenage son was suffering a relapse of suicidal thoughts and depression. This was something that Michelle said she had seen her most miraculous results with and I immediately knew this was a path we needed to pursue as nothing else seemed to help. Following 3 treatments, I am utterly astounded in the improvements in my son. His issues stemmed from birth trauma and one side of his glymphatic system was completely blocked since birth, causing a discomfort that never goes away. His nervous system just wasn't able to function properly. Michelle unblocked this very quickly, plus other less affected areas which were responsible for auditory processing issues. He now realises that none of his issues are his fault and even said he was happy a few days ago, something he hadn't said for years. He is more sociable, outgoing and positive about the future. A lot of friends have noticed this change too. He is less self-critical and more reasonable and resilient. This seems impossible in such a short space of time but it really has made a massive difference. If this is something that you are suffering with, please don't hesitate to contact Michelle. She is so honest, brilliant with children and in complete integrity. She also offered a wealth of supportive healing modalities and suggestions alongside the very gentle but life saving treatment. We are eternally grateful to you Michelle, thank you.

Part 2. I also had treatment from Michelle as I had suffered from sciatica periodically for 20 years. After 1 treatment, I felt a 70% improvement in movement in my hip. The tightness had almost gone. With the follow up exercises and ice/heat protocol recommended, it has improved further in a week. I have seen many therapists over the years and not one of them made anywhere near as much difference as this. My knee has also improved as this was sore from compensating for the hip pain. Michelle is definitely a miracle worker! Thank you so much. Sally May 2024




After a history of back problems dating back over 15 years, I’ve had countless therapy treatments ranging from a variety of massages, physios’s, chiropractors, muscle manipulation and trigger point therapy; occurring pre and post micro discectomy surgery which took place in 2017.  Having been bed bound for 4 days with a bad neck I decided to go down the familiar route of desperation/hope and seek the help of another form of therapy. I was recommended to “Michelle the magic healer”.  What followed was life changing. When I lay on the table in Michelle’s office shortly followed with an emotional breakdown where for the first time in my life understood that despite my efforts, the little advancements made with controlling my anger was limited by the effects of past traumas. Almost instantly Michelle detected that I was in fact suffering with PCS (post concussion syndrome). I can’t explain emotional relief that I felt as for the first time in my life there was a contributing factor as to why I couldn’t fully control this part of me (Thank you Michelle). I’ve since had a few sessions with Michelle and she has always been spot on with her assessments and contributing factors as to why my body is hurting or performing in a certain way.  The benefits being experienced after session 1. Thank you again Michelle for your continued help. This has not only been beneficial to me but also to my family and for that I am eternally grateful. Dan February 2024




You told me last week at our first appointment that I could be pain-free by this week no way did I believe you but I am !!!!!! I had one really bad day last Thursday thereafter nothing but improvement and I’ve done my bra up this morning without a thought so therefore I will cancel my follow-up appointment with you and see how I go but to be sure if I do anything again I will definitely be back many many thanks for the treatment. All the best Shirley February 2024




I have had three sessions Michelle now and can’t recommend her to enough people, whatever their ailments. She seems to have an uncanny ability to diagnose problems you may only have been vaguely aware of; but in addressing those problems through gentle bone, fluid and muscle maniupulation make you better in ways you had barely dared to hope for. For example: I came out of my first treatment session completely clear the asthma that has been plaguing me on an off for years. Go figure. Dick Januray 2024




Archie has been more contented and a lot happier with others which has been a breath of fresh air. For the first time noticed him facing me which is his left and that's an improvement. Overall appears happier. Happy to sit in his chair too for a good period of time! So greatful. Grateful mum January 2024




'We had an amazing day Saturday, she managed fireworks in the rain and loved it despite sensory overload, my mind was blown"

"She had no issues with her socks until the last week. Even then  its so much better. She has noticed a huge difference. I feel in general she has a better resilience and ability to regulate. She has been much more emotioannly warm and initiated cuddles etc. Its so interesting the imapct the treatment has" Susan January 2024




Well what can I say I have walked over 11000 steps today and stood for over 30 minutes, last time I saw you I could even do 30 seconds! The sciatic pain is long gone and I am med free! Everyone thought I was mad doing what you told me but you are amazing I can’t thank you enough my healing Witch! I ❤️ you! Thank you! Michelle December 2023





Michelle has treated my son since he was 4 weeks old and we have found he has always respoinded positively. We notice after a session almost immediately he is calm and can control his emotional behaviour. Sarah November 2023


I've been taking my children to see Michelle since they were both less than 6 weeks old, and she never ceases to amaze me. Through her work, she is able to pick up on after effects of trips and falls or illnesses, sometimes without any prior information from me! She corrects any misalignment(s) during her appointment, and the impact can be huge. I personally know two other children whose digestive problems has been completely alleviated, thanks to Michelle. She is friendly, polite, and very informative during the session. I hope to continue working with her for many more years. Emily November 2023




You really are very very good at sorting out my Sciatica; it feels so much better and I do feel more positive and flexible. I still occasionally get a pang in my buttock but it's nothing compared to how it was. I am doing the exercises and I realise how stiff my muscles are, so this gives me more incentive to do them. Also I now do push myself during the warming up exercises in classes rather than be hesitant or not do them, as was the case before. So an absolute improvement, I don't know how you do it, but thank you so much x Linda November 2023




Thankyou Michelle, I want you to know that having felt sluggish and generally unfocused and ‘full’ for the last month or so, I woke on Wednesday morning at 6am with a sense of energy wanting to do my Pilates and feeling more alive and focused than I have for ages. I know I’ve told you before but you really are special and your treatments are a miracle when people are sometimes hanging on by a thread. I feel you relit my spark which had gone out. Thankyou. Beth November 2023




Having suffered from pain in my neck for several years that has always been heightened after wfh on a laptop, I went to see Michelle. She came highly recommended and I was not disappointed. During my first appointment, Michelle asked me several questions about my wfh situation and, after sending a photo of myself in situ, she sent an assessment and recommendations. Since acquiring the recommended equipment and receiving two sessions of treatment by Michelle, I haven’t suffered from any further discomfort. Thank you, Michelle! Allen October 2023



"Hi, As you are aware this will take time to heal, however your administrations seem to have had an effect already. Although sore I have an increase in movement in the shoulder and the stretching exercises are not as painful. I have an appointment at the MSK clinic in Droitwich  on the 27th of this month which I was going to cancel but it will be interesting to see what they have to say plus I have waited 5 months for the appointment. Thank you for your fuss free treatment if I come across a soul in need of treatment I will certainly recommend you". Keith October 2023



September 2023

100 statements from patients declaring my integrity, honesty and professionalism (to be added)

13 professional statements from colleagues (orthopaedic surgeon, consultant radiographer, physiotherapist, sports therapist, personal trainer/performance coach, podiatrist, acupuncturist and audiologist)



Having suffered for a long time  with ongoing pain  , severe physical and mental fatigue I sought help so that I could understand the difficulties I was going through , a friend highly recommended Michelle and so I arranged to have a consultation with her. I live in London and would have no issue with the 250 mile round trip to visit Michelle in Worcester for treatment. She would always recommended further investigation and support outside the treatment room. Steve 2023



I said I’d let you know how things were going. It’s three weeks since I saw you for the first time. In that time I have not had a recurrence of the pain I was experiencing – so, thank you. I have been doing the exercise you showed me (just about every day ...) and also been walking around with ice or a hot water bottle wrapped inside my jean waist.  I have been working in the garden etc and not experienced anything so all seems well. Peter September 2023




I only visit you once, and feel almost back to where I was pre fall. I'm back doing my normal routine ie classes at the gym, bike riding. Thank you for your magic hands. D August 2023


Michelle, I'm writing to cancel my appointment tomorrow.  Thankfully, I' m better now and so I don't need the appointment.  Thank you for your help.  You resolved all my pain and set me on the path to recovery.  If I have any future flair ups then I will not hesitate to come back to you.  In the meantime I will continue to recommend you to all my family and friends.Yours in appreciation, Margaret June 2023



Just to let you know  I am playing my golf again, pain in leg virtually gone, but still continuing with exercises and applications, thank you once more for your help, regards Bill May 2023


I can’t believe how much better my back is feeling! Thank you so much. Dani May 2023



Michelle is an intuitive therapist who draws all of her healing modalities into each client’s required session for their own recovery to take place. She is also hugely accommodating with her appointments , often being able to fit in emergency treatments much to the recipients relief ! Claire May 2023


I’ve noticed you often very accurately put into words how I have been feeling when you are working on me and also have a way of saying what I’ve been thinking but haven’t been able to find the words to describe even to myself. For instance today you said about being stuck in a cycle of energy and that absolutely hits the nail on the head in terms of what I’ve been thinking and how I feel about everything but I hadn’t been able to find the words to fully interpret/express it x
It feels as though you are something of a spirit guide for me in addition to the healing you facilitate. I always come away from seeing you feeling physically and emotionally better but also spiritually lifted. I imagine it is the same for many of your clients. You are a very gifted lady (and also often on my gratitude list!) x Alison May 2023


I attended ONE appointment with my 6-week old baby and have seen an improvement especially with his sleep. I have been able to put him down more during the day. Also feel like feeding is getting easier. Caitlin April 2023 


Letter to the Worcester Crown Judge

Re. the Appeal against conviction and sentence of Michelle Davies 
False description as an Osteopath 
I’m writing to express my support for Michelle and the important services she provides to the community. 
Seeing Michelle in her clinic has been nothing short of life changing for me. She is also currently treating members of my family with chronic and debilitating physical pain. I’ve been told by one of them only yesterday that Michelle has given them hope for the first time in years. I know we’re just a few of the many people who have greatly benefited from Michelle’s healing.
I find the treatment of Michelle by the General Osteopathic Council to be appalling. Michelle is perhaps one of the kindest, most gentle people you could meet. She has a genuine desire to help others and she has always shown the utmost integrity and professionalism. 
I have always visited her under her new professional title and not as a registered "Osteo...." This has always been made very clear to me from the outset. To me it makes absolutely no difference. Her work speaks for itself. 
Michelle is a rare gift to this community and to all who have benefited from her healing. This court case feels like a great disservice, not only to Michelle, but to the many patients she has helped heal over the past 26 years. I, and many others, stand in support of Michelle during this case. 
I hope you take my experiences of Michelle into consideration. 
Kind regards,
 J Brooker 16 March 2023


Relief of Physical and Emotional Pain

I know I have already thanked you multiple times but I had to say one more time how unbelievably grateful I am to you for what you’ve done for me. You haven’t just helped the pain (both physical and emotional) but I’m pretty sure you’ve managed to heal what’s been quite a distressing hormonal imbalance (in only 2 sessions), aswell as making me feel the most connected I ever have to life. I’m so happy and thankful that you’re also able to see my family. They are two of the most important people in my life. I so appreciate you fitting them in. And thank you for everything; for the gift you give to others through your healing, for your kindness, your selflessness and your empowering, courageous spirit. You’re such a rare and special person and the world is so lucky to have you. J February 2023


Whiplash: Neck/Head injury

I was referred via existing Physiotherapy treatment to approach Michelle for her skillset in treating conditions that I was experiencing as a result of 7 months of ongoing issues emanating from a neck/head trauma incident. At that point the exact condition I had was still undiagnosed and it had been difficult to land on the right type of Professional help – in a way falling between the ‘conditional cracks’ of medical practitioners of Neck/Spine and Head or Muscular trauma. That has since been resolved but I immediately got direct treatment from Michelle that was targeted at the problem area and condition. I am now much improved and progressing to being fully back to ‘normal’ – having received a range of treatments that through my own experience have helped me on that recovery journey. This includes Michelle’s treatment which not only directs attention to the root physical problem but also contributes other support and guidance around your personal wellbeing and behaviors to aid healing and better sustainable health and all provided with absolute Professionalism and mental positivity. AG Worcester Oct 2022




Michelle has been treating myself and four children for over 15 years and I can honestly say we have all hugely benefited from the treatment.
Michelle treated my children from newborn, not because there was anything wrong but to ensure that the trauma of birth hadn't caused any stresses. From that point forward I would take them if their sleeping or eating became an issue and then as they got older, if their behaviour changed. After every treatment they were happier and the issue they were being treated for dissipated.Michelle is brilliant at what she does, is very good with children and really makes a difference. I would highly recommend her. Josette September 2022


This year I gave birth, and I never realised that babies can be born with a number of issues from the trauma of birth. So I booked my son in when he was 5 days old and I’m so glad he did. I have also recommended Michelle to lots of new mums who have had difficulty with feeding, latch and digestion which Michelle has treated within just one or two sessions!
I highly recommend Michelle, she has helped me, my friends and family of all ages and for a range of issues. If you’re considering seeing an osteo for the first time, definitely do it and definitely use Michelle! Jenni August 2022


I was recommended Michelle for my 7 week old baby who was inconsolable for weeks. One visit to Michelle and he is like a different baby, so much more relaxed. Instantly she knew what the problem was and adjusted it. I can highly recommend her to anyone. I'm forever grateful for what she has done. Lisa August 2022


We are so happy! He has just had the normal 'spit up' after his feeds but I haven't had to change his outfit once today, whereas I would be changing it 4 times a day due to sick. I have been able to play with him without it quickly coming to an end with sick and he has been such a happy baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU again! Sammie July 2022


He has been so different since treatment, he is much better at going to sleep and listening. Karen July 2022


Michelle is a very competent and also empathetic practitioner.
I have known Michelle as practitioner for over 10 years, since my children were babies. One has needed regular treatment throughout this time which has been hugely beneficial. There is a notable difference before treatment and after, my child now actually requests a visit to Michelle when needed.
I recently required osteopathy myself for recurrent muscle pain, Michelle’s treatment was excellent, as was the aftercare advice.
Experienced, skilled, knowledgeable and kind, I highly recommend Michelle (for all your osteo needs!). Emma August 2022





Just wanted to thank you for getting me match ready and perfectly aligned. I feel great, you truly do have healing hands. Keep doing what you do, you are an amazing lady. Bobby June 2022

Mr Shaw "wished to thank Michelle Davies the "MIRACLE WORKER" who worked tirelessly on my left hand all week to make sure it was ready for the fight night." He said: "I wouldnt have been able to fight if she hadn't have done all her physio work on my hand" WORCESTER NEWS June 2022




Genuinely one of the best recovery specialists I’ve ever used not only do I use her for my recovery on concussions from high impacts due to boxing but I also make sure all my athletes as a coach use her skills on any area of recovery!  Couldn’t even put in words how good her work is! James September 2022




I first visited Michelle 7 years ago for stress related back pain which she rectified in only one session.

Recently I developed frozen shoulder caused by incorrect vaccine administration. Physio alone was not improving my condition and in desperation I contacted Michelle.  I've had only 3 sessions and already my range of movement has dramatically increased and moreover my mood, sleep and positivity has significantly improved.  Michelle has a wonderfully positive, encouraging and reassuring manner, together with magic hands!  I cannot recommend her highly enough. Abby September 2022





I met michelle for the first time about 8 months ago after a recommendation from my good friend. My son was in a lot of pain in his back after he had covid and he wasn't recovering as well as i was hoping for and it had a massive impact on his mental and physical health. After talking to my friend about the problems my son got she strongly recommended to me to see Michelle and I'm really glad I did! After the first visit my son felt a lot better, his pain was a lot easier to manage and after a couple of more sesion with Michelle the pain was gone and his mental health has improved too. After seeing how good Michele is with my son I decided to give a try with my arm shoulder and neck pain which I had for so long and I have not regretted it. Michelle can heal not only your body but the mind too!
Thank you! Erika August 2022


I am one of these people who has been chronically ill for years, key issues being Colitis and Lyme disease, which for me resembles MS symptoms when relapsing. After Covid things have gone much worse for me and I have been suffering with no support from the NHS system. I’ve started having severe vertigo, muscle impairment and fatigue, headaches that wouldn’t go away and stiff neck, I was house ridden for 5 months and wasn’t able to look after my young son and husband. All this came over night about 3 months after having Covid. I was desperate for help. I knew that part of my issue was a vagus nerve disfunction which Covid causes, but so does Lyme. I knew that I was not draining from my brain down because of the physical issue. I was looking for anybody who could do a sacro - cranial release, and even went and saw people in London, who didn’t help. I’ve spent a fortune on people, doctors and treatments that didn’t work, but claimed they would. 

One of the key treatments for Lyme and really any autoimmune condition is to make sure that we support our drainage organs and pathways. Draining from your brain is so key - even your lymphatic system or shall I be saying glymphatic system won’t work if the cranium is compromised. You won’t detox your brain from various toxins, you won’t sleep as well, some key nutrients won’t be getting into your brain literally. But that is being very vague about the depths of the subject and its benefits. 

And here I found Michelle - a miracle worker who she really is. And the best part was she was just down the road from me, I didn’t have to drive 2 hours to London to see her. Realised how much time I’ve lost. Wish I found her years ago. 

After first appointment my vertigo was 70-80% improved. I felt lighter, I could walk better, I slept better. And yes I can relapse as that’s the nature of my illness which I am still dealing with and it’s a long journey, but I will get there. Michelle is the sweetest, kindest souls too. I knew I would click and connect with her, from the first appointment I knew she was the one. I then took my 7 year old son to her, he was just as badly blocked as I was, our sacro-cranial axis wasn’t flowing as should be. My son has been affected by it for so many years, not just physically but also emotionally. As a mother I now feel so much better knowing that we had this release so my son doesn’t develop any more symptoms from having this area compromised. Prevention is key. But also I knew he needed it - and if so anybody who has a child, husband, friend - anybody who suffers migraines, doesn’t sleep well, has pains, depression - any symptom at all - should go and have it checked with Michelle - because it can change your life forever. 

I didn’t stop there, and my best friend who suffered from terrible migraines for years went to see Michelle upon my recommendation - her migraines are now gone! Another friend with Lyme goes and sees Michelle like myself regularly as a treatment and prevention after recommendation. I took my husband too, and he’s been impressed by Michelle so much as he knows how much she’s impacted mine and my son’s health. 

Michelle - thank you for being “magical hands”, I don’t know how exactly you do it, but it works. And I couldn’t care for your title - because I’ve seen some top level doctors with many letters by their names who never helped me or knew as much as you do. Wish there were more people like you, who actually care. Who actually try to deal with the root cause of some illness, not by just giving a drug to mask the problem.  Forever grateful. 

PS. My school mum friend has a 12 year old daughter who was treated by Michelle as a baby when she suffered sleepless nights. Sacro cranial release sorted the problem so the mum could get some sleep. 12 years ago and Michelle is still here bringing miracles, and so much experience! Results speak for themselves. Patrycja August 2022





I write in support of Michelle Davies, primarily in my capacity as a long-standing patient but also as someone who has known her family for 40 years.  

I have been a regular patient of Michelle’s for about 7 years. Over the years, I have been treated by several osteopaths and chiropractors, in this country and abroad, and she is by far the best.  Her treatments are gentle, yet their effect is quite dramatic, long lasting as well as cumulative.  Her manner is consistently very professional, which promotes confidence in her skills.  I have never seen any evidence whatsoever of her mental state being anything other than perfectly normal and stable.   In addition,  having known her mother since Michelle was a very young girl, I know of nothing in Michelle’s history which should be of concern to her professional association.   She is a credit to her profession.  Justice of the Peace  September 2021


Thank you for supporting my patients over the last 10 years to better health in prehabilitation and rehabilitation. We are very grateful for your professional approach and excellent results.  We have had excellent patient feedback and communication from you with personalised care for each patient. We value your excellent service and support. Orthopaedic Surgeon September 2021


Character Reference for Michelle Lisa Davies. 

I have known Michelle Lisa Davies for approximately 7 years. I would consider her a friend.  I have been treatment by her in her professional capacity and I have also recommended her to colleagues, friends and family. 

In my work capacity our paths have also crossed on several occasions as fellow Allied Health Professionals.  In my opinion, Michelle is a proficient and knowledgeable practitioner.  Michelle has vast experience and I always value her opinion when we encounter each other professionally, I have no cause to question her moral maturity with her knowledge base. 

I consider Michelle to have emotional intelligence, not only as a friend but also in her professional capacity. I would not hesitate in recommending her as an Osteo, treating patients to relieve pain, reduce distress and improve their self-care. Consultant Radiographer September 2021


I can say is that both my wife and I (and in particular my wife) have used your professional services as an osteo for many years. We have found you to be a professional and effective osteo in addressing our needs. We have also recommended you to others who, we understand from them, have been satisfied with your services. We have never had any reason to doubt your integrity or honesty. Senior Barrister September 2021


I confirm that I have previously been a patient of Michelle Davies and had treatment under her the last of which was in November 2019. She has since offered me advice with respect to my back. From my dealing with her I confirm that she appeared to be a credible citizen in regards to both emotional and moral maturity. Doctor September 2021


I am writing in response to the news that the status of Michelle Davies as "Osteo..." in Worcester is in jeopardy. My understanding is that this is due to a discretionary decision. As a former head teacher, school inspector, recruitment support for school governors and head teacher development officer for Birmingham Local Authority, I have strong credentials in assessing professional credibility. 

Michelle Davies is one of the most effective health professionals I have used and one of the kindest, most generous people I know.  Due to her treatment of my injured sacrum joint, she rapidly diagnosed and rectified the problem other health professional had failed to do. Not only did her treatment and advice alleviate the extreme pain I was in but also allowed me to return to work in a relatively short time and reduced my need for sick leave. 

I have since recommended others to her and they in turn have experienced rapid recovery from traumatic skeletal injuries and conditions.  As soon as I stepped into her surgery I felt positive and her manner helpful and reassuring. I was totally relaxed and confident on her treatment table. The whole environment is spotlessly clean, bright and airy. I would not go anywhere else should I have the misfortune to have a problem in the future and could not wholeheartedly recommend anyone else. 

Please reassure me that this extremely competent health professional will keep her status of 'Osteo...'. Many people in the city of Worcester, including myself, rely on her to maintain and promote our fitness and health function. Former Headteacher  Sepember 2021


Michelle Davies, Osteo... has been treating my family & I for over 10 years and we have always found her to be both professional & holistic in her treatments at all times.  Michelle is always welcoming & accommodating treating us all with not only respect but empathy. Michelle is passionate about the care she offers & follows up the outcome of her treatments.  It is difficult to put into words the positive impact that Michelle has had on the health & wellbeing of my family. We will be eternally grateful for this.  We are very hopeful that she is able to continue practicing within a profession that she is clearly dedicated to. Midwife  September 2021


My Health Visitor recommended Michelle Davies 12 years ago and since that time I have continued to have treatment on a regular basis along with my Husband, Son and Daughter valuing her professionalism, patient rapport and wealth of knowledge.

Over the years I have recommended her services to many people both on a personal level and in a professional capacity and as a result Michelle has helped countless of my family members, colleagues, friends, and families I work with.  Their feedback has always been positive, most commenting that they are extremely grateful that Michelle was able to identify the problem and improvements had been recognised.

Michelle has the ability to listen, understand people’s needs and communicate on different levels to all age ranges. She is passionate about patients physical and mental wellbeing and offers advice and information to support them in their approach to set healthy goals, manage stress levels and maintain a positive outlook.

When Michelle offers suggestions that may benefit or aid recovery, she always advocates to research the information in order to make an informed choice.

Michelle is approachable, reliable, consistent in her approach, empathetic, supportive, calm reassuring, respectful, professional and passionate.

Michelle would not have enabled patients to enrich their mental and physical well-being if she did not portray emotional and moral maturity.

Michelle Community Health Connector


Dear Mr Javid Secretary for Health and Social Care of the UK

I am writing to express my wife and my full support for Micelle Davies. 
We have been seeing Ms. Davies for over 15 years and she has been the most gifted and knowledgable practitioner who we have implicit trust with.
We were deeply concerned at allegations levied against her, which are completely incorrect and unjustified. She is and will continue to be an amazing professional who is 100% fit to carryout her role, moreover, she has helped our community all her life and she must be allowed to continue with her practice and we therefore seek your support for Ms. Davies in this case. Stephen BSc AMILM November 2021


Mr Robin Walker MP ..... (extract) ..."the speed by which this corrosion is happening is rapid and hitting our own city of Worcester like an earthquake as seen in the absurd behaviour of the General Osteopathic Council and their treatment of our citizen Michelle Davies. I understand that they are attempting to unlawfully and without reason, remove her status to practice.

I have known Michelle Davies for seventeen years as neighbour, friend and my health care professional. All she does is in service to others and her work has helped your constituents immeasurably; alleviating chronic pain, rehabilitating people back to employment and generally improving the lives of hundreds of Worcester citizens. The impact of her work has led to her solid reputation throughout the city. As a former head teacher and school inspector I have credentials to judge the quality of professional practice. Michelle Davies is one of the most competent, principled and kindest people I know.

I implore you and your team to look into this matter and work with urgency to prevent Michelle Davis from losing her right to practice osteopathy". November 2021

"It makes not a jot of difference to me.  I judge you on how you treat me and how well my treatment works. I have never had any concerns and regard you as a consumate professional deserving of the praise you receive x See you 14th. Looking forward to it Rachel Midwife November 2021

When Michelle took me on I thought she was being very brave, I’m 77 and have a lower back problem that was caused 50 years ago! During our first meeting Michelle explained fully the legal matters that are outstanding with her regulatory body; however as these do not impede her ability to work and previous reviews, of which there are many, give personal accounts of outstanding work and dedication to her profession, I was not going to spurn the chance of experiencing her healing abilities.

Two visits later and I have changed my mind ….its not bravery just her total self belief in her ability to cure and heal. Her caring approach and determination to succeed [it may be stubbornness!] with degree standard medical knowledge give me every confidence that she will give me relief from 50 years of intermittent pain.

I also support her defensive actions against the autocratic trade body that has interfered with her marketing activity and stopped, for a limited period of two months, her use of their designated professional title ….how silly! 

She has no need to worry as deeds speak louder and her good work is to her credit.

I have no need to worry either …….two visits and a marked improvement, I am impressed and will continue to ask her to heal my back! John H November 2021




I have received treatment from Michelle over a number of years with gaps in between. I have been receiving my current treatment over the last nine months and she has helped me enormously with chronic back pain. She encouraged and succeeded in giving me the incentive to lose weight to improve my condition and increase gentle exercise. The improvement which this, in conjunction with Michelle's expert manipulation has given me is second to none - not least the mental boost. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Michelle to anyone - thank you Michelle Graham March 2022


Myself and our three boys have been seeing Michelle for over 12 years, for a huge variety of conditions. From stiff necks, to changes in the boys behaviour, to running injuries and anxiety. Michelle really is a miracle worker, we all love being treated by her healing hands and indeed words. I regularly recommend her to friends and no one has ever been disappointed! Thank you Michelle, you are amazing! Heather February 2022


I've been treated by Michelle for all sorts of aches, pains, and quite significant back, hip and neck damage for over 15 years. There is no doubt in my mind, that without her professionalism and nurturing approach, I'd most likely be a cripple. Instead, I enjoy an active lifestyle at age 50, which is in no small part due to Michelle. Many thanks for all of your support over the years Michelle, you are a credit to your profession. Steve February 2022






I have been seeing Michelle for a few years on and off for my back and shoulder pain. Whilst pregnant she also treated me for pain In my lower back, hips and legs. Every single time I see Michelle it’s like a miracle, the pain is instantly relieved and then after a course of treatment, completely gone! Jenni August 2022


I have been struggling with pain in hands linked to possible nerve impingements in the neck and despite having diagnostics (examination, MRI, blood tests etc) and physio treatment in Nottingham where I am based, I was not recovering as expected. This, together with the delays due to Covid in seeing specialists, led to me conduct my own research.

I first contacted Ms. Davies after discovering her on the Worcester website where she is clearly presented and backed by many positive testimonials. Following communications, I was immediately comforted and reassured by Ms. Davies after she had seen my test results and we discussed my symptoms. Every medical term was explained with patience in clear, understandable words. I did not feel in any way feel overwhelmed and was at complete ease in asking questions several times for reassurance.

Ms. Davies suggested a possible symptom of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome TOS which could be exhibit nerve tingling in both hands and offered to see me which of course meant that I had to travel – a 160-mile round trip. Given the distance Ms. Davies was extremely flexible as far as timings and kindly saw me on a Friday, a day she does not see patients. This extolled great empathetic character and professionalism in putting a patient in need first. 

I decided to have a thorough examination with Ms. Davies which proved that indeed TOS was a key contributing factor. I realised this detailed examination was above and beyond what I would expect - Ms. Davies clearly wanted to help resolve this and in doing so, helped ease my worries about what the symptoms were not such as arthritis. A treatment plan of postural awareness, exercises and stretches was given, and I am pleased to say I have positive signs of recovery. 

Following treatment, I had the pleasure of a general discussion and I am very impressed with Ms. Davies as a person. Her passion and commitment to help others is abundant and clearly part of who she is as a person of high morals and standing.  Ms. Davis is clearly a successful lady who has dedicated her life to use her healing gifts and I am happy to add my personal testimonial such that others can be reassured in her care.

Ms. Davies maintains communication to check my progress which again is defining of her generous and empathetic character

Nottingham Chartered Electrical & Electronic Engineer. September 2021


I found Michelle very professional and maximising the treatment given to the allocated time Graham - July 2021


Michelle has helped me over and above the call of duty, responding immediately if I have any concerns out of hours.  Her professionalism is second to none and has helped resolve problems I didnt think she could help me with. My level of health has improved vastly. I wouldnt hesitate to endorce or recommend Michelle to anyone. My only regret is that I didnt see her years ago. Clare - July 2021


Michelle has successfully diagnosed and treated a long-term issue. She has given me hope. She provides an excellent safe environment during Covid and is delightful and professional. Sue - July 2021


I had been suffering with ill health for a number of years, regularly getting headaches, IBS and various other physical symptoms, which had manifested from previous trauma. The accumulation of these many symptoms had a hugely adverse effect on my daily life, in turn leading to anxiety and depression, and traditional medical interventions didn’t seem to help. Things came to a head when l was experiencing severe pain in my leg and back and it was then that a friend suggested to my wife that l should make an appointment to see Michelle.  l will be honest, l was more than sceptical and did not really expect a successful outcome.  When l arrived for my first appointment Michelle gave me a warm welcome putting me immediately at ease.  During treatment she explains everything she is doing and is always offering advice and tips for better health and well-being.  l noticed subtle changes after my first two appointments, then following my third treatment my life completely changed. We couldn’t believe the difference in me, Michelle’s healing hands had put me back together, and she had helped with so much more than just leg and back pain, constant headaches and IBS are now a thing of the past!  Deciding to make that first appointment with Michelle was the best decision l ever made. My health is the best it has been in years and l can now look forward to the future.  My wife and l have the greatest respect and admiration for this amazing lady and we cannot praise her enough.  She really is a miracle worker. 
Sincere thanks Michelle!     Colin - March 2021

I have been to see Michelle several times over the past few years, with different problems and have always come away smiling and vastly relieved that she has truly put right the problem and enabled me to  walk or move so much better than when I went to her. She is a lovely person and I thank her for all she has done for me. Sincerely Rosemary Age 81 

We came to see Michelle during the Coronavirus pandemic as we were desperate to find someone to help our 5 week old baby. We felt totally at ease and safe throughout the whole treatment process, Michelle was wearing PPE and made sure everything was cleaned thoroughly before we even came into the room. We were personally very grateful she carried on treating patients throughout the pandemic else our little boy would still be struggling to this day.

We took our 5 week old son to see Michelle for her to examine him as he seemed to be in constant pain and not sleeping, seemingly due to a traumatic birth, she very quickly found a problem with his neck and pelvis, which she then treated, after the first session he was instantly better, he continued to improve as the days went on. After a second session with her he was a completely different baby, happy, relaxed and most importantly had started to sleep better.
I can’t recommend Michelle enough and thank her for working through a scary time for us all, to put the needs of others before herself.
I will definitely stay in touch and may even be back to see her one day if we ever have a problem with our son again,
Brilliant thank you. Becky May 2020 Solihull


'Michelle was recommended to us by a colleague at my wife's work as our 4 month old son was experiencing digestive issues. Having explored many other options (GPs, medication etc.) we visited Michelle not really knowing what to expect. Michelle was professional, friendly and informative and was able to identify some potential issues in the alignment of both his neck and pelvis. Michelle took the time to explain how and why these issues were present and was patient when answering our many questions around the treatment our son was receiving.

Our son undertook 3 sessions with Michelle and improvements were seen after each session. On discharge, our son was like a completely different baby - He was more settled, more comfortable when lay down and less windy! The difference was so evident that friends and family also commented on how "chilled" he was. Since our initial visit we have returned once as our son was exhibiting symptoms again. The improvement after just one session was evident.

Having such a successful experience with our son, I visited Michelle for my own back pain issues. Having previously been told by other professionals the problem will never be fully rectified and that long term back support and changes to my lifestyle would be required I am delighted to say that after only one visit to Michelle I felt an immediate improvement and was no longer experiencing the ongoing pain. I am still undergoing treatment with Michelle but feel confident that this will offer me the long term solution I have been looking for.

With the fantastic results that both my son and I have experienced we have already recommended her to several people and will continue to sing her praises!' Kind regards Paul May - 2018




I have been seeing Michelle for over 6 years now, visiting her initially for a bad back and pelvis, after seeing several different people I had reached the point of giving up hope. Within a few sessions with Michelle I was pain free. After moving up to Scotland I still made the journey to see Michelle and even now as I live in Switzerland I make my appointments with Michelle when I am back in the UK, and she is always as accommodating as possible even fitting me in on her days off. Her work is second to non and being a very active person with cycling and having a physical job she never fails to heal me both physically and mentally when needed. I couldn’t recommend her enough. Thank you Michelle for your continued support and treatment. Kate Holzer


I contacted Michelle about pain in my lower back. This has been on and off for several years. How I wish we had been to see Michelle right in the beginning as I walked out pain free after the first session! I have found Michelle to be very kind and friendly, she dealt with me in a very calming and professional way. Not only did he get me pain free straight away, but also educated me about what had caused the pain and ways to look after my back and body. I highly recommend Michelle and would urge anyone in pain to make an appointment now! Parking is great and its easy to find and the clinic is a very welcoming place.
Rob Sinfield, Leicester January 2020

I have really benefited from Michelle's treatment of my back over the years. She is skilled at identifying what the problem is, spot on with her treatment and has worked wonders in getting me standing straight again and reducing my pain. All this with a calm and friendly manner. I can heartily recommend Michelle.
Sarah M September 2019

Upon my second visit to you I realized that there was far more going on than massaging painful back muscles. Gentle questions and genuine interest concerning my daily life led to an understanding of my well-being and the massage, albeit important was an accompaniment to the bigger picture of a more spiritual healing. Thank you Steve


After enduring a ongoing back problem for 18 months to 2 years I eventually decided to do something about it, this decision was also cemented after experiencing falling quite heavily on my bottom! I was recommended to book an appointment with Michelle. I went along for an initial assessment on wed 15th August to The Bromyard clinic. Michelle spent less than an hour manipulating my back,the results were amazing! I left the practice and walked the short distance back to where I'd parked, the transformation bordering on miraculous! I've since visited Michelle at the Worcester clinic as a follow up, my back and pelvis alignment appear to be fixed! I could not recommend Michelle highly enough to anyone enduring back problems that like me were putting it down to increasing years!Kindest Regards Colin - August 2018




I have been suffering from intense migraines since my early twenties. I had numerous trips to the doctors, various assessments, a brain scan, various medications but none of them ever seemed to help control them, or even answer why I was getting them. 
Michelle was recommended to me by my dad who has also been receiving treatment from michelle for various physical health issues pertaining to his Parkinson’s disease, including migraines.
Michelle was so friendly and reassuring and after my first consultation, she filled me with a lot of confidence that she could help get my migraines under control. I was given some specific exercises to do in between appointments which I did religiously. After only my second appointment I had already started to see a big improvement with my migraines, which in turn had a huge improvement on my mental state. Now, a couple of months on, I cannot believe the difference. I actually wake up in the morning with a “clear head” and I had forgotten what that felt like! I cannot thank Michelle enough for all her help, support and understanding! Sarah - May 2021


I have received treatment from Michelle on two seperate occasions.
On the first I had suffered with migraine and neck pain for some time, had
been putting off going anywhere but it had started to get worse so I booked in
with Michelle. She is very knowledgable and a true professional. She explained
to me what she was finding as she was treating me and after one session the
improvements were amazing. My headaches eased and neck pain was gone.

During COVID19, headaches and pain returned, due to working from home on a laptop.
I had again let it go thinking if I rested it would go away, it didnt. I visited Michelle
and again after one treatment the improvements are amazing. Headache has gone and
the pressure in my neck, back and head has improved 90%.

The improvements after just one session on both occasions have been incredible.
Amazing lady! Carla 2020


Michelle’s work is absolutely amazing. I had taken some heavy knocks to the head playing rugby and getting very strong headaches as a result. I wasn’t sure what to do and decided to go to Michelle. Her impressive skills had everything fixed after two appointments. I highly recommend using Michelle for relief from any discomforts in your body as her training and capabilities are outstanding and it’s a simple, quick process. Thanks Michelle 😊 Myron January 2020


I have suffered with severe migraines for 10+ years and I have tried so many therapies/medications to try and relieve them. I was recommended to Michelle for my neck/back pain so when I arrived to be told she might be able to help with my migraines too I was very happy! Michelle found an injury in my neck that she thought may be causing them, so she unblocked the left side of my neck in our first session. This was over 8 weeks ago now and 3 treatments later I have not suffered with a migraine since my first treatment. I was suffering with migraines around once a week, I would have to be in bed with no light for 24hrs each attack with and incredibly bad headache and sickness. I have missed so many days and occasions from migraines, I only wish I found her years ago! Definitely visit if your a migraine sufferer, as I though no one could cure me! Amie J. April 2019


Happy New Year Michelle , sorry this has taken me so long to write but it's been so busy over the Xmas period in my frantic world of retail, but thanks to you only one migraine and that was when I had the flu 😀
It's been amazing as I was so sceptical when I first came to see you in September. I remember thinking how can a neck treatment and positive thinking cure my migraines, but it definitely has , since September I've only had 2 really bad ones whereas I was having them weekly. Who would of thought smiling and a few moments of feeling thankful and of course your 3 treatments would make such a difference, but it really has and I'm so grateful. Have a great 2017 Regards Helen S. January 2017.




My son is 4, autistic and has a global development delay. Since my son has been attending appointments with Michelle he has changed dramatically. Michelle told me the treatment could improve his tension and inability to relax. She even said he could have a leap in his development with feeling more relaxed. I was amazed and only hoped it would work. So far my son has had 3 sessions each one improving dramatically, its truly amazing.

I can’t even begin to tell you the difference in my son today, his speech has come on so much that he can now tell us everything he wants by talking not just by gestures, he now uses speech the correct way. Its only something i’d dreamed of. 6 months ago i was asking his paediatrician if he was going to be non-verbal because for 3 and a half years he had only ever said “da”.

We are now potty training without accidents, again something I thought we wouldn’t be able to tackle for a long time. Haircuts are easier now as theres less meltdowns. He’s even learnt how to ride a bike. His sleep and behaviour have completely changed, I now have people comment to me saying how much he is like a different child. I cannot thank Michelle enough i would recommend her to everyone! Gemma L March 2020


Walter has been markedly improved since his initial 15 minute appointment on Saturday, he is an extremely cheerful baby, yet Sunday he was happier than I think I have ever seen him in himself. He has had Improved sleep, only two/three wake ups which is so much improvement from waking half hourly to hourly (now getting 3-4 hour sleep stints) His cold seems to be coming out, the lump on his head seem to be reduced, bowel seems to be more lose and more regular, he seems apart from today happier in him self and sleeping more contently in the day for naps also. Look forward to seeing you for the follow up 15 minute appointment tomorrow Gemma January 2020


Hi Michelle, just to report that Stanley fell asleep in the car after his appt this morning and stayed asleep for an hour and a half! He has been singing and chatting to himself happily over lunch and is just being generally delightful. Thank you for transforming his behaviour once again. Megan


Dear Michele, you are a miracle worker. David has returned home with a totally different mindset. Early days, I know, but huge thanks already. I will try to encourage the exercises.
Jennifer B September 2019

When our daughter was eighteen months old she was suffering, and was being prescribed oral antibiotics at least once a month, which were ineffective and having a negative impact on her tummy. A friend suggested cranial osteopathy as a solution, recommending Michelle as someone who could help us. After the first treatment our daughter was a calmer and happier little girl and in the two years since has suffered no further infections.

More recently our daughter was struggling with sleep ; waking regularly each night and seeming uncomfortable. We again went to visit Michelle and after one visit our daughter was sleeping well and is a lot more refreshed and happy.

Michelle is friendly and professional, always ready to explain her work and how it is helping our daughter. We are very grateful that our friend recommended cranial osteopathy to us, as we were previously unaware of the benefits it has. We have suggested osteopathy as an alternative treatment to several other people. S and D May 2019


Hope you're well. I thought I'd update you on Rowan sleep. Well it's improved massively! He now self settles really well and doesn't wake up half as much. He generally seems more settled at night. He still doesn't nap very well but I just think he's not much of a napper. Haha! He used to wake up between 3 and 7 times a night. Now it's between 1 and 2 even if he's teething or got a cold he'll be settled a lot more quickly than before. So it's been a massive improvement and I definitely think that osteopathy helped Nicola and Rowan - February 2019




Prior to seeing Michelle for an appointment, I had suffered a long-sustained period of struggling to focus, lacking in energy, procrastinating and feeling frustrated by all of that.  It wasn't actually these things that I was seeing her for. It was for my sinuses. 

When I went to Michelle on the first appointment, almost immediately she said she detected a blockage in the left side of my head and without me mentioning anything about previous problems with focus, Michelle said she detected my batteries were very depleted and this block must be causing problems in terms of energy levels.  At the end of the session Michelle said she had cleared the blockage and to expect to feel under the weather for a few days. This did in fact happen, I developed a cold that lasted a few days. 

All of a sudden 4-5 days after the appointment I felt so much better, much clearer of mind and mental energy to stay focused on tasks.  Since then it has been too much of a coincidence for what Michelle had said and did to explain the return of motivation that I now feel.  I now have energy levels, focus levels and motivation and drive that I had not felt in recent years and productivity is so much better. I was in fear that I would not get that back again. Thank you, Michelle for the two sessions of Cranial Osteopathy Kevin - November 2020




In encouraging staff to look after themselves, not only for their well-being but to try and avoid illness and stress a number have found their way to see Michelle. Michelle’s gentle energy in fixing problems and encouragement to look at yourself holistically as well as make small but incremental changes to the way you work has been so well received by those treated. This has benefitted most of my staff and means she comes highly recommended by us all. She has fixed bits of us, realigned most of us, sorted long term issues and injuries and provided encouragement to do things right with our own bodies and practice self-care for our wellbeing! Laura Brown, Headmistress, RGS Springfield


I was referred to Michelle in 2009 whilst working at Worcestershire County Council. I was experiencing a significant amount of pain in my right neck/shoulder/arm and this was impacting on my ability to work - I couldn’t drive, or use a mouse or keyboard effectively. Michelle quickly diagnosed and treated the issue and I was able to resume normal activities within a number of weeks. It was therefore Michelle to whom I immediately turned when a similar issue occurred this year. Michelle has again diagnosed the issue and provided both hands-on treatment and advice on adapting my workstation to give me the best chance of making another full recovery. I highly recommend her advice and treatment. Helen November 2019


I started a new job as a solicitor where the floor in my first floor office is uneven. My lower back pain gradually increased over the first 6 weeks and then I experienced periods of dizziness and nausea - particularly when lying down. The doctor diagnosed BPPV and ETD which he said was caused by fluid trapped behind my left ear drum probably from an ear infection (although apart from a sore ear for one day I wasn't aware I'd had an ear infection).
I had already made an appointment with Michelle for treatment for my lower back so I was very fortunate that she very quickly identified issues with my back and neck and she concluded that the fluid was not draining from my ear because of the issues with my neck which were almost certainly caused by the lower back problems from the uneven floor.  I had one treatment and felt significantly better and the improvement continued. I had a second treatment 10 days later. The vertigo problem as completely gone away. This is not the first time that Michelle's treatments have helped me and my children recover from illnesses and pain. Lisa November 2019


I would thoroughly recommend Michelle Davies, in the treatment of muscular or body mechanics issues, including the tracing and healing of historic injuries. Also, the ongoing care given is exceptional, which includes dealing and coping with stress problems. Michelle would be an ideal person to consult, if any organisation needed a fitness for work report, for new and current staff.  In a previous job role, I have referred staff to Michelle, and she has made a significant difference in the reduction of employee sick leave, and contributed to staff retention. Paul 2019


Hi Michelle, It's Emma with an appointment for Wednesday morning. I'm texting to cancel as I will be a total fraud if I come! Ice and heat worked well then I have spent the last few days camping which I thought might challenge the injury but I am still fine and the residual stiffness has diminished. As you said I can cancel up to 24hrs ahead I will do so and allow someone with great need to take the slot. Thanks again for your magic advice. July 2018


Thanks so much for what you have done to help me. Almost excellent and enlightening. Steve - February 2019


As a new osteopathy patient I wasn't sure what to expect from my first visit. Michelle explained how she was going to explore my neck and shoulder problem. Within no time of feeling around my neck I was identified as having whiplash. A further period of gentle head and neck movement and I was treated. To my amazement my pain and restricted movement was gone! I don't understand how it works, its crazy but it has worked. I would certainly recommend Michelle. Her many years of Osteopathy experience have made her a real expert.  Lesley - January 2019




I approached Michelle because being a professional footballer I need to ensure my body is in the best possible shape. Over the years I have had many injuries and in my first session with Michelle she was able to pinpoint all of them – old and new.

My neck was not in a good way, from heading the ball – Michelle described it as severe whiplash, I had restricted movement to the one way and constant aching. It wasn't until after a few sessions I realised just how bad it was because the aching disappeared and my movement improved significantly.

She also worked on my ankles, they were swollen and stiff with lack of movement. And after a few sessions with Michelle and her magic hands I could see and feel a big difference.

Michelle was always very professional in a friendly manor, I always felt comfortable and relaxed around her. I have faith in knowing she will always be able to assist my body to heal and highly recommend her.

Nathan Baker - January 2019


You may remember I came to see you in the spring & had 3 sessions over a 6 week period for a painful lower back which was preventing me from doing any sporting activity at all.

I'm glad to say that having stuck to the exercise regime you set I'm up and running, triathlon training & managed to complete a 31 mile ultra marathon over the black mountains last weekend with out too much pain or stiffness the day after . So a big thank you for your treatment & advice, I'm delighted.

This email is just to keep in touch, say thank you.
Kind regards Paul - May 2018




There certainly has been improvement, she’s been able to look around and is holding her head in a much more neutral position. We haven’t had to keep repositioning her so much as she’s doing it of her own accord some of the time. She also seems to have a lot more movement in her hips and has come close to rolling the last couple of days not sure if that’s a coincidence. We have only attended your clinic once and are so happy with the results. Laura, July 2020



I have a four month old baby girl. She was born with the assistance of forceps. From birth she has favoured one side while sleeping and playing on her back. At around 2 1/2 months I noticed flattening on the left side of her head. This is known as Plagiocephaly.
I sought the advice from a doctor. I was told to ‘wait and see what happens, this is nothing to worry about, it will sort itself out’. Initially this put my mind at rest, but after a few days of relaxing about it, I began to worry again, spending hours on the internet and speaking to head alignment specialists online.
It was a week later when I spoke to a health visitor that I felt comfortable I wasn’t worrying about nothing. She told me since the ‘back to sleep campaign’ flathead syndrome has become more and more common. At this stage she didn’t deem it severe enough to go down the route of a helmet. She advised me that to improve the flattening on her head, repositioning would be the most effective treatment. At this point she was three months old and she believed it may still be possible to decrease the flattening.
I went home feeling really positive. We used cot blockers to raise her cot on one side. I changed the position of her cot in her bedroom to encourage her to look out into the room, alleviating pressure on the flat side. We used a wedge, which we placed just under her back to encourage her to lean on the opposite side. I started a strict regime during the day to ensure that she was off the back of her head for as long as possible. We used carriers, encouraged more tummy time and bought a bouncer. She was still a little young for a bouncer but had good head control and we used this with supervision.
Although this repositioning helped and by taking daily photos I could see over a month some improvement, I was still anxious to find out why she favoured that side to lie on all the time. After speaking to a friend, who had taken her little boy to see Michelle I decided to make the phone call.
Michelle was caring, patient and kind. We spoke on the phone at length discussing things like birth, digestion, general personality etc and arranged an appointment. She reassured me that repositioning would help the flattening of the head and that what we were doing would make a difference.
We attended two sessions with Michelle. The treatment was gentle and my little girl didn’t cry and hardly noticed what was going on. Michelle found tightness in her neck on both sides and her pelvis. Her neck seemed to be locked and this explained why she was favouring one particular side of her head to lean on.
After the second appointment I noticed a huge difference in the behaviour of my little girl. Tummy time came a lot easier to her and she was able to lift her head a lot further off the ground. She could turn her head from left to right when on her tummy which she couldn’t do before. Tummy time has become a much more enjoyable experience for her. When sleeping she now alternates between lying on the left and the right side and we no longer have to use the wedges or the blocks on her cot.
Another thing that has really helped has been the advice from Michelle about changing her mattress. We purchased a sleep curve mattress. This alleviates the pressure on the back of her head during sleep. We also use the mattress under her baby gym during the day.
I can’t thank Michelle enough for what she has done for our little girl. Emma 2020





Michelle Davies, Osteo and Magician!

She's a lady who has magic hands which quietly

Work miracles - all in the name of osteopathy

Her movement's gentle - you may think it slight -

Although she's sometimes strong, her touch is gentle, light...

Once or twice I've thought 'there should be more

To fixing all these parts of me that feel so sore!'

And sometimes after treatment I can feel a pleasurable ache

That tells me that my body's healing ~ make no mistake ~

It can be a sign the body's getting well

And mine is all restored! I'd recommend you unreservedly, Michelle!

And the benefits you gain are not confined

To one excrutiating aching place

Michelle treats the whole of you - body, spirit, mind -

Knowing that they occupy the self-same space.

She's the lady with the magic hands who quietly

Works miracles that some call osteopathy...

© Liz Darcy Jones

4th August 2014


At your service in health, happiness and prosperity
Michelle Davies BSc (Hons) Ost
Consultant Osteo