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Michelle uses cranial techniques to help treat areas of the body that require much lighter touch, such as the head, neck or face pain and conditions that are not amenable to robust interventions, such as post-surgical pain, symptoms that occur after traumas such as road traffic accidents or concussion, and is finding that she uses this very gentle and non invasive treatment more and more in her practise on a daily basis. 


What is a Cranial technique?


It is an exceptionally gentle yet extremely powerful form of treatment increasingly recognised for the depth of its influence, the comprehensive range of its therapeutic effects and its ability to resolve issues that are not helped by other means.

It is a profound healing process which can release the deeply held patterns of pain or dysfunction- both physical and psychological which accumulate throughout life as a result of injury, illness, vaccinations and emotional trauma and become held into the body tissues, leading to ill-health.

The Cranial technique involves two main aspects. It is primarily concerned with enhancing the underlying vitality-the Breath of Life, creating and maintaining health and wellbeing in all aspects of our lives. Secondly, it is concerned with releasing any restrictions to the free distribution of this vitality throughout the body.


Cranial technique and Concussion


Concussion is often a dramatic and alarming injury that presents suddenly and usually resolves quickly. However, it can occasionally have longer lasting effects including reduced concentration, prolonged headaches, dizziness, as well as potential behavioural and emotional consequences. Being an injury that cannot easily be diagnosed with current imaging techniques, Concussion requires a systematic and holistic management approach by individuals who are experienced in dealing with such injuries. It is particularly topical at present given the number of recent high profile concussions occurring in the elite sporting environment: rugby players and boxers for example.

Michelle can work with you to help ease the physical symptoms of concussion from headache and dizziness to visual disturbances and balance disorders. Manual therapy, exercise therapy and return to play advice are used to return patients back into their sport and daily activities safely and effectively.

With reports of head injuries being a possible contributing factor to cases of Dementia, there is a lot of research and discussion on the treatment of Concussion, being undertaken at present.

michelle 3The therapeutic specificity of osteopathic techniques represents an appropriate solution to the complexity of concussion.  The practitioner has not only a role in the treatment of concussion but a role in the proactive approach to sport-concussion management as well as reinsertion into sport. 


More information on this topic to come shortly, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Michelle.

At your service in health, happiness and prosperity
Michelle Davies BSc (Hons) Ost
Freelance Consultant