Mr Matthew Redford acting as Chief Executive & Registrar of the GOsC, 

176 Tower Bridge Road, 


SE1 3LU. 


cc. Professional Standards Authority For health and Social Care

David Martin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Concerns and Appointments Officer


15th August 2024


Dear Matthew, acting as Chief Executive & Registrar


Formal Complaint Regarding David Bryan and Case 2855


I am writing to formally lodge a complaint against David Bryan, a member of your staff, for his conduct and handling of my case over the past three years. The issues I encountered were serious and had a profound impact on my professional and personal life, as well as my faith in the regulatory process of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Below, I outline the key areas of concern that I believe require your urgent attention:


  1. Failure to Keep Promises and Maintain Communication
    David Bryan committed to providing regular updates on my case, particularly during our communications in December 2021, where he promised fortnightly updates. Unfortunately, these updates were not provided, leaving me uninformed and in a state of uncertainty regarding my professional status. This failure to communicate was a clear breach of the seven principles of public office, which demand honesty, accountability, and transparency.
  2. Misrepresentation of “Further Material”
    Throughout the proceedings, David Bryan repeatedly cited the need to wait for “further material” as a reason for delays in my case. However, during cross-examination, it became apparent that David Bryan knew what this material entailed but chose to withhold this information. This misrepresentation caused unnecessary delays and contributed to a loss of trust in the process.
  3. Lack of Victim Support and Violation of Human Rights
    Despite the protracted nature of these proceedings, spanning over three years, no victim support was offered to me. This omission was particularly concerning given the mental and emotional strain associated with such a prolonged process. As a registrant enduring significant adversity, I believe there was a duty of care that was not fulfilled. Additionally, the GOsC's actions resulted in multiple violations of my human rights, including the right to a fair trial, respect for my private life, and freedom from psychological harassment.
  4. Prolonged Interim Suspension Without Justification
    My Interim Suspension Order was extended to 130 weeks, far beyond the typical duration of 52-53 weeks that David Bryan himself acknowledged as the target for even the most serious cases involving police matters. The unjustified length of this suspension had severe consequences on my professional standing, and David Bryan’s failure to expedite the process reflected a disregard for due process and fairness.
  5. Inadequate Handling of Notices and Retaliation
    The notices I served on members of the GOsC in May and June 2021 were not handled appropriately. Instead of being investigated, they were perceived as a concern and processed in a manner that immediately led to demands for my medical notes and a psychiatric evaluation. It is crucial to note that there was no public, colleague, or patient complaint against me; rather, it was my complaint against GOsC staff that seemed to have sparked this persecution. My human rights were violated in this process, as my right to lodge a complaint without fear of reprisal was ignored. These notices should have been properly investigated, and if they were misunderstood, I should have been provided with the opportunity to explain my complaint rather than facing what appeared to be a retaliatory witch hunt.
  6. Exemplary Service Record and Professional Contributions
    I have served the public for 27 years without a single complaint against me. Throughout my career, I contributed to the osteopathic profession with various pilot studies, including initiatives such as Revalidation. I consistently completed at least 30 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) annually, and I had never been investigated, nor had I faced any police investigations. My medical records were impeccable, and I had never taken a sick day. Additionally, I had never had points on my driving licence. These facts underscore my commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in my practice.
  7. Disproportionate and Unfair Regulatory Actions
    The GOsC's actions were disproportionate and punitive, rather than focused on a fair examination of the facts. The lengthy suspension and subsequent legal actions appeared to have been driven by an agenda other than genuine public welfare. This included the failure to provide alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, which are commonly offered by other regulatory bodies, such as the General Chiropractic Council. The GOsC’s failure to offer such options only exacerbated the situation.
  8. Gaslighting and Psychological Harassment
    The behaviour of David Bryan and other GOsC representatives, including Sheleen McCormack, was deeply troubling. They engaged in what can only be described as gaslighting and psychological harassment, making promises that were not kept, trivializing my concerns, and using language intended to undermine my credibility. This significantly contributed to the mental distress I endured over the past three years.
  9. Religious and Racial Discrimination
    I also experienced what I believe to be religious and racial discrimination. My practice of osteopathy is deeply rooted in its spiritual foundations, as taught by Andrew Taylor Still, and this aspect of my professional identity appeared to have been disregarded or even targeted by the GOsC. This discriminatory treatment was unacceptable and further compounded the harm I suffered.
  10. Abuse of Regulatory Power and Misuse of Psychiatry
    The GOsC used its regulatory powers in an overbearing and unlawful manner, potentially as a personal vendetta rather than for genuine public welfare. The demands for psychiatric evaluation, in particular, were not made out of concern for my mental fitness but as a means of silencing my complaints and undermining my professional standing. This constituted an abuse of psychiatry, which has historically been used as a tool for political or personal retaliation.

As a result of these actions, I have now been removed from the register of osteopaths, a conclusion that I believe was unjust and based on a flawed and biased process. David Bryan's actions, along with those of other GOsC representatives, have not only caused significant harm to me but also compromised the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability that the GOsC is supposed to uphold.


In light of these serious concerns, I request that a thorough investigation be conducted into David Bryan’s conduct and the handling of my case. While the damage to my professional life is irreparable, I believe it is essential to address these issues to prevent similar harm to others in the future. I would appreciate a response detailing the steps that will be taken to address these issues.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour.


Michelle Davies

Authorised Representative
Without any admission of any liability whatsoever, and with all Natural, Inalienable Natural Rights reserved.


"I want to make no compromise between the truth of osteopathy and the error of allopathy." Andrew Taylor Still


Osteopath 1997-1st October 2021