Michelle Davies BSc (Hons) Ost
With well over 500 five star testimonials Michelle helps all ages to be free of suffering with a 99.9% success rate. Michelle serves an international clientele, treating and serving patients from all over the world.
Michelle Davies is an Internatational acclaimed healer, health consultant, mentor and author. Her work delivers the highest standards of care, professionalism and most excellent results in healing SINCE 1997. Michelle has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Osteopathy awarded by Anne, Princess Royal, following 4 years full time training in London at the British School of Osteopathy. In 1915 The British School of Osteopathy (BSO) was founded by John Martin Littlejohn, a student of the founder of Osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still in 1874.
"I know whatever it is you do, whatever you decide to name it !! IT DEFINITELY WORKS" Arron 7th October 2021
Michelle has practised for nearly three decades, working with all ages; from 2 days young to the elderly, using a variety of techniques to facilitate the healing of a majority of symptoms from head to toe. Cranial Sacral techniques and Osteopathic techniques can be taught to doctors, physiotherapists and manual therapists. Michelle uses clinical methods to assess, diagnose and screen for pathology, detect inflammation, retained injury and restriction in the body and then applies hands on techniques to treat the cause of the suffering.