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Update April 2024

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My thorough exploration delves into complex legal, ethical, and philosophical dimensions, invoking foundational principles and historical precedents. It reflects a deep commitment to upholding truth, justice, and fairness in the face of perceived injustice and overreach by regulatory bodies. My references to biblical scripture, constitutional law, and historical context provide a robust framework for challenging the actions of the regulatory body and asserting my rights as an individual and a professional. It’s evident that I have drawn on a wealth of knowledge and conviction in my defence as legal cover has been revoked by The Institute of Osteopathy. The GOSC have controlled the prosecution and the defence by the withholding of legal representation.

The Sacred Secretion + Healing

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In attempting to explain my healing approach I refer to scripture from the England Standard Version

Let’s delve deeper into the significance of Isaiah 58:8, Luke 11:34 and Kings 17:21, as well as the profound spiritual insights gained through my practice with the cerebrospinal fluid, also known as the Christ oil.

Isaiah 58:8. Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

Luke 11:34. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness.

Luminous Healing: A Divine Approach to Osteopathy

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I am working on Book 2 ….
Chapter 1: Foundations of Faith and Medicine

This chapter introduces the intertwining of spiritual beliefs with the function of osteopathy. It sets the stage by discussing how the England Standard Version of the Bible offers insights that are not just spiritual but also metaphorically relevant to medical practice. The focus is on understanding human health through the lens of scripture, with the idea that divine wisdom can guide and enhance the practice of healing arts.

Chapter 2: The Light of Healing in Isaiah 58:8

Isaiah 58:8 is explored in depth, illustrating its promise of healing and protection as akin to the principle of the body’s ability to heal itself. This scripture promises that one’s ‘light will break forth like the dawn,’ symbolising the emergence of health and vitality through divine favour.

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